Observer resting in the aether
Figure 4. Expected
differential phase shift between light traveling the longitudinal versus
the transverse arms of the Michelson–Morley apparatus
The beam travel time in longitudinal direction can be derived as follows:
[A 10] Light is sent from the source and propagates with the speed of light

in the aether. The mirror starts at distance

(the length of the interferometer arm) and is moving with velocity

. The beam hits the mirror at time

and thus travels the distance

. At this time, the mirror has traveled the distance

. Thus

and consequently the travel time

. The same consideration applies to the backward journey, with the sign of

reversed, resulting in


. The total travel time


Michelson obtained this expression correctly, however, in transverse direction he obtained the incorrect expression
because he overlooked that the aether wind also affects the
transverse beam travel time. The result would be a delay in one of the
light beams that could be detected when the beams were recombined
through interference. Any slight change in the spent time would then be
observed as a shift in the positions of the interference fringes. If the
aether were stationary relative to the Sun, Michelson expected (using
his incorrect formula) that the Earth's motion would produce a
fringe shift
4% the size of a single fringe of yellow light. Michelson did not
observe the expected 0.04 fringe shift; the maximum possible shift was
at most only about 0.02 fringes. He concluded that there is no
measurable aether drift.
However, this result has to be modified by considering the correct transverse travel time, first given by
Alfred Potier and Lorentz (1886), and which can be derived as follows: The beam is propagating at the speed of light

and hits the mirror at time

, travelling the distance

. At the same time, the mirror has travelled the distance

in x direction. So in order to hit the mirror, the travel path of the beam is

in y direction and

in x direction. This inclined travel path follows from
momentum conservation of the light rays or
photons, and is also the consequence of a
Galilean transformation from the interferometer rest frame to the aether rest frame. Therefore the
Pythagorean theorem gives the actual beam travel distance of

. Thus

and consequently the travel time

, which is the same for the backward journey. The total travel time


(This is analoguous to the derivation of
time dilation using a
light clock.) The fringe shift calculated from the difference between
Tl and
Tt is given by

where λ is the
Lorentz pointed out that when the correct transverse travel time is
considered, the expected result in Michelson's experiment is reduced by
half to approximately 0.02 fringes, which is nearly equal to the
estimated experimental error
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